Welcome to my very first series. I want to introduce to you some of the fury family members that make up the Cowland household. Each one of our pets has a unique personality, and we like it that way.

First, say hello to Hobbes, "Hello Hobbes".
If you can't tell Hobbes is an orange tabby. I'm not a cat person really, but both of our cats have integrated well in our family and it has been nice. It took some time to adjust to Hobbes and for Hobbes to adjust to us, but in the end she has melded in well.

The reason why we have Hobbes is because when my husband moved from the UK to here, he had to give away his new kitten Monster. She was an adorable tuxedo kitten with green eyes! And she made the funniest noises. While my husband was alone in London, he got monster to help him through the lonely days and nights without my daughter and I. I felt really bad so I saw an ad for a orange tabby kitten that had been rescued. When we went to visit, this poor kitty had flea-anemia so badly they had to give strong antibiotics all the time. You wouldn't know this kitty was sick though the way it played about. Anyway, the woman who let us adopt Hobbes told us we'd have to get Hobbes neutered soon. When we picked Hobbes up from the SPCA we learned she had been spayed. Apparently she was so sick that no one knew the sex of the kitten. She had been found in a box behind a dumpster covered from whisker to tail in fleas who were literally sucking the life from her.

She is still tiny and very skittish. She makes the silliest faces and talks out the window. She let's you know what is on her mind and when she isn't happy. She is also the one we have to watch out for the most. Moving 2x in 2 consecutive years kept her under our bed except to use the litter box and eat for 6 months. She has recently started to come out and join the rest of the world and she is a cutie. She hates to be held, but still loves to play and to be stroked.

She is an important part of our family and we are honored to be her "people".

My next post will be about our newest family member, Black Jack.

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