Sometimes I get so wrapped up in business that I just lose myself and need something to bring me back down to Earth and remember why it is that I do what I do, thanks Tara for sharing your beautiful life and your beautiful spirit and reminding me I've got the same reasons for doing what I do.

The Whitney Clan from Michel Sandy on Vimeo.

On that note, I often wonder is what I do enough? I get worried and I want to quit because I just don't know if we can financially survive, but being passionate about something so much that it melts your heart and sings in your ears and you are so happy... I am happy.

I love what I do, love is what had brought so many things together in my family. It is love that brings a smile to my face, love that let's me look at two beautiful faces everyday, and love that keeps my passion lit.

What about you? Are you in love?

With love.

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