One of my goals this year was to take my camera with me wherever I traveled, even to the store for milk. Since you never know when a good opportunity shows itself, it is better to be prepared. And if today wasn't the day to forget it. Rather, I got rushed and just flat out forgot! We drove to Orlando to a birthday party of an old neighbor, and it was a bittersweet gathering as we just don't see each other enough anymore and we probably won't see very much still - even with our best efforts! But of all days to forget my camera??? Geez! So, better bring-my-camera-everywhere workflow needs to happen! I also need to get better organized so I know what's what!

But you know sometimes life just takes over and we can't do a darned thing about it except smile. My daughter, my beautiful 9year old monkey, put it plain and simple, "It's ok to make mistakes mommie" and I was just enammored. I replied, "you're right darlin, as long as you learn from them". So now that I've said it and officially blogged it, I've got to learn from this mistake and move on!

Speaking of moving, look at this fab news about a husband-wife photography team in my area, I am completely stoked it is almost too much!! They've been featured in our regions edition of The Knot! So super cool! I don't know them personally, but hey we're all under the sun! So cool you guys! Go check out their blog posting here all about it!

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