Oh man do I have a headache. I've been in Vegas for almost a week, unfortunately not to take pictures but to attend a conference for my parttime job... hehehehe the one that currently pays the bills.

Not sure if the headache is from all the thinkin or all the cigarette smoke, but lemme tell you what, it hasn't gone away.

Anyway, the thinking has been nonstop. If you are like me, you can understand how frustrating it is to think and not bring it to fruition. I've been thinking a lot about goals and branding. Who I want to be and how I want to be percieved. I can tell you that I've got big things planned. I've been mentored and been reading a lot and really thinking about where I want to take my business. And I want to take it to a new level.

But I often wonder how it begins, how does one or a business of one or a business of many decide to tackle something new? I suppose a huge corporation would put together an R&D team. I am my own R&D team. So I guess, all I need is a plan.
Hmmm... better get started.

7.5 months until 2009 - awesome.

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