I used to be into paper scrapbooking, but to be quite honest I am crap at it. Not because I'm not a good visual designer, but because of all the STUFF there was! I just couldn't hang. And I'm not one for permanence. One day I found digital scrapbooking and realized I had been doing it all along since 1994! I just thought it was visual/graphic design. I didn't know someone had named a brand around it!

THEN! Whilst looking up info for work on the Adobe website, I came across a web-app called Scrapblog. I almost fell out of my ergo-chair and shouted with joy. I had to wait until I got home to play though, and this is what I made!

Isn't it fantastic! Do you have images you'd love to scrap but just don't want to invest in the paper and stickers and blah blah? I highly recommend Scrapblog!

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