This is seriously disturbing.
A few months ago a friend and I were talking about all things political, and we spoke about some marches that she had attended years and years ago. I told her I had always wanted to raise a banner somewhere but was fearful for my family if I did so. Fearful because my husband is not from this country and because I share my daughter with her father and wouldn't want him to take her away.

Am I doing my daughter or the causes that need so much help any justice?

I lead a good life; I pay my taxes, obey the law, even waited in line to receive word that my husbands' residency had been approved, I don't lie - cheat - or steal, I believe everyone deserves the benefit of the doubt, and I don't judge. But is this enough? Should I be punished by fear to not do the right thing?

When I was younger I ran an enviromental club. I was the only active member. Others in our group wanted the credit to put forward to colleges, and I'm sure it helped. But I did all the grunt work. It was very satisfying and made an impact in a low-key way.

I'm here to do that again.
This law that Afghanistan has passed is an abomination to the sacredness of the female body and those rights we have to our bodies. For *ANY* country to pass laws to the affect that we are NO LONGER in control of our body and that any man or woman has the right to make that decision for us, is also an abomination to the sanctity of Human Rights. Whether it be the difficult choice to make in regards to giving birth to the option we have when it comes to what does and does not constitute rape. NO ONE has the right, no one. And to be completely honest it breaks my heart and pains me in such a way that it is almost indescribable to fathom how anyone could allow this.

I can't make a huge change, I am not in a position to do that. I am in a position to make a small change. I can make a difference because I believe that what has happened in the past and is happening now is a travesty to the human race.

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