To those who follow my blog, you know this is a personal space for me as well as where I share my work as my work is personal to me. But just like you may work in a career or a job, so do I.

I have challenges everyday and in running a business outside of creating and capturing, the challenges I speak of are much different than you think.

It is up to me to become better than I was the time before, to exceed my own expetactions, to do better and be better, and to create something that REALLY speaks to me as well as my clients.

That challenge is harder than any other aspect of running a business. A business is logical, my work is emotional - it is a record and a moment captured in the digital frame of my camera for you to have as a memory forever - and that is hard and so rewarding.

I'm writing this because I've been introduced to a photographer who is simply amazing. He is challenging me from my website to my work to work harder and produce images that are an expression of not just me but of who you are. I am challenging myself to go further and do more.

This is a promise; a hold my breathe, close my eyes, and jump kinda promise.

Ciao Bellas

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