What does that mean?
In the next coming months leading up to the new year our studio will be phasing into a completely paperless (documents) office, our clients will see an increase in reusable media for their images, and we will be using a percentage of dedicated power from Wind and Solar energy.

Next month we hope to have a breakdown of what we are currently doing to expose ourselves to better environmental acts and we will also have an environmental impact statement that will be available online.

Yes, the current trend is to be a GREEN company. And we've been a green company and household for the past 15 years, but technology has made it easier for us to increase the green in our home and business. We are also responding to our own values as consumers and want to be an example to others.

It isn't JUST about recycling and not wasting, it is also about being responsible for the condition this planet for the future because I want our children to have children who love the world we left them.

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